
Showing posts from July, 2018

Ca IPCC Result check here deaclared today by ICAI

As we know Today ICAI declare the IPCC result at 6 pm . Every one is waitimg for results . As per our guidelines results will come in few minutes . You can check your result on  and you must desktop site on your mobile when checking your results . At this time students in lakhs waiting for result . You can also check your result at   All the best to all students . You must be pass if you deserve that. Today your hard work show you your result.

BIG 4 vs Medium Firm ,Articleship कहाँ करे अगर ह इसको लेकर confuse तो इस post को जरूर देखें

Today we discuss about Where we do articleship , wheather in BIG 4 or Medium firm. Commonly students BIG 4  म articleship करना पसंद करते ह Reason क्योंकि BIG 4 में आपको अच्छा stiphened मिलता ह like ₹10000 and above ओर आपको पर्टिकुलर फील्ड में expertise हो जाती ह ।ओर आगे चलकर CA बनने के बाद BIG 4 वाले खुद ही जॉब दे देते ह । लेकिन BIG 4 म Articleship पाना इतना आसान नही ह ,या तो आपका अच्छा reference हो या आप Both Group First attemp म pass हो और आपको अच्छी english बोलनी आती हो। Big 4 में जाने पर सबसे पहले आपका Interview liya जाता ह जिसमे काफी सारे राउंड होते ह जैसे written test , group discussion, debate,partner round and etc.   वो आपकी हर चीज को चेक करते ह आपकी personality, आपका speaking style , आपका particular situation में behaviour कैसा ह तब जाकर आपका selection होता ह ओर  articleship k time भी आपको discipliened रहना होता ह । Formals म आना और ढंग से सबके साथ बेहवे करना । big 4 में work load भी ज्यादा होता ह । जब काम ज्यादा तो वे students को देर रात तक...

ITT and OP के बारे मे यहाँ जाने ।कब होती ह ,कितने दिन की होती ह ,क्यों होती ह ,कैसे होती ह ओर फीस ओर regestration कैसे होता ह।

Today we discuss about the ITT (Information Technology Trainning) and OP ( Orientation Programme ) सबसे पहले हम Orientation Programme की बात करते ह। Orientation Course 15 दिन का होता ह जो Articleship से पहले compulsary होता ह । यह IPCC के exam देने के बाद ओर Articleship शुरु करने से पहले किया जाता ह । इसमे आपकी personality development की skills सिखाई जाती ह। हर दिन अलग टीचर आता ह ओर हर रोज students अपने experience शेयर करते ह जिससे उनकी hesitation कम होती ह। Students को एक एक करके सभी स्टूडेंट्स के सामने खड़ा होकर speech देना होता ह। इसमे सिखाया जाता ह की group म बाते कैसे करनी ह ओर as a leader role कैसे करते ह ओर अपने group को manage कैसे करते ह and ओर भी बहैत कुछ सिखाया जाता ह । Now its turn to ITT यह 100 hr की computer tranning होती ह जो कि OP की तरह compulsary होती ह । इसमे आपको computer software जैसे Tally , Execl , word ,powerpoint , busy , Idea etc. सिखाये जाते ह। Fees OP की fees 7000 rupees ह ITT की फीस 6500 ह Imp. News Delhi  म इनके batch मिलना काफ...

Single group ले या Both Group की Confusion ह तो इससे जरूर पढ़े।

Today we discuss about that wheather we choose Both Group or Single Group. Lets start with Single Group  सबसे पहले फायदे क्या ह singel Group के 1. सिर्फ 4 subject होने के कारण Syllabus जल्दी पूरा हो जाता ह। 2. जल्दी syllabus पूरा होने के कारण revision ज्यादा हो पाते ह ओर पढ़ने का काफी time मिल जाता ह जिससे पढ़ने का प्रेशर कम रहता ह। 3. Single Group  में कम सिलेबस होता ह इसलिए ज्यादात्तर वे Students जो average होते ह ओर ज्यादा देर पढ़ नही सकते या ज्यादा प्रेशर नही झेल सकते वे Single Group Choose करते ह। 4. कम syllabus ओर ज्यादा revision के कारण Pass होने के ज्यादा Chance होते ह। 5. जो students physical या mental रूप से कमज़ोर ह उनके लिए single group देना अच्छा रहता ह। Now its turn to Both Group Both Group के फायदे क्या ह। 1. अगर आप Both Group देते ह तो ओर pass हो जाते ह तो आपकी Single Group के मुकाबले 6 महीने की time saving होती ह क्योंकि single group वाले एक एक  group करके देते ह तो उनके 6 months आपसे ज्यादा लग जाते ह। 2. ये बोथ group का सबसे बड़ा फायदा ह ...

CA Articleship क्या ओर क्यों होती ह ।जाने यह पर

Today welearn about CA Articleship. सबसे पहले आपके दिमाग मे ये सवाल आता ह की Articleship  होती क्या ह Articleship 3 yrs  की Tranning होती ह जो हर CA Student को IPCC के बाद करनी होती ह Final में। जिसका Regestration आप IPCC का एक या both group देने के बाद करवा सकते हो । Articleship   में होता क्या ह ?  Articleship  में आपको practicle knowledge दी जाती ह। जिस फर्म में आप काम करोगे वहां पर आपको सिखाया जाता ह की CA बनने के बाद praticle life में काम क्या करना होता ह ।   अगर आप जॉब करना चहाते हो तो उसमें क्या काम करना होता ह। और अगर आप अपनी खुद की firm खोलना चहाते हो तो वह कैसे काम करना ह। Now Importance of Articleship. जैसा कि हम जानते ह की CA बनने के बाद हमे practicle काम करना होता ह इसलिए practicle knowledge होना जरूरी ह क्योंकि सिर्फ theory से कम नही चलता । जबतक हमें ये नही नही पता होगा कि काम कैसे करना होता ह।  इसलिए articleship  बहुत जरूरी ह ।without articleship we have knowledge but we dont know how to use it. Wh...

Overview about CA Final.

The last Stage of CA is CA Final. CA Final is the last stage of CA course . IF u pass CA final examination then You will be eligible for getting CA degree. Syllabus Final also  have 2 groups . First group 1.Financial Reporting. 2. Strategic  Financial Management. 3.Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics. 4. Corporate and allied Law Second Group 1.Advanced Management Accounting. 2. 2.Information System Control and Audit. 3. Direct Tax. 4. GST Each of the subject are 100 marks and you must score 50% in aggregate and 40% in each subject. You can give both group in One attemp or First grouo in one attemp and second grouo in next attemp. For getting CA degree you must pass both of the groups. Many of the students give CA Final exams every year but a few studenta pass the examination because ICAI want hard word in a samrt way .studenta who do hard work with planning they can easily pass their exams but they should be consistent.  Thi...

A overview of IPCC and Intermediate.

This is the second stage of CA course name IPCC ( Integrated professional competence course ) and in new syllabus it is Intermediate. CA IPCC have 2 groups. 1st group have 4 exams and second grouo have 3 exams . Subjects 1st Group .1. Accounts that is of 100 marks. 2. Business law , Comapny law ,Ethics and communication that is of 100 marks. 3.Cost and FM that is of 100 marks. 4. Direct Tax and GST that is of 100 marks . 2nd Group 1. Advanced accounting that is of 100 marks. 2. Audit that is of 100 marks. 3. IT ( Information Technology ) and SM ( strategic management ) that is of 100 marks. you must get 50 % in aggregate and 40% in each subject.   CA Intermediate In CA Intermediate there are 8 subjects. First group 1.Accounts 100 marks. 2. comapny law and business law. 3. cost 4. Income tax and GST Second Group 1. Advanced Accounts  100 marks 2. FM ( Financial Management ) and               Econom...

About CA Foundation and CPT

As we discuss in our first post about the 3 stages of CA course . so now we tell you First stage of CA that is CPT ( Common Proficiency Test ) and inNew course Foundation. First we discuss about the CPT. Students who pass their 12th class can directly take registration in CA couse but fir that they must pass CPT exam. In CPT 4 paper are held 1. Accounts 2. mercantile law 3. Economics 4. Maths and Statistics Accounts For 60 marks mercantile law for 40 marks Economics for 50 marks maths and statistics for 50 marks Total marks 200 and passing marks 100 you must score 30% in each subject and aggregate 50% in your exam Now we turns to Foundation CA foundation is like CPT students who are in new course give Foundation exam instead of CPT  exam . Foundation have total 400 marks each subject for 100 marks . 2 subjects are objective and 2 are subjective. 1. principals and practice in accounting 100 marks 2.Business law and Business correspondence and ...

About CA course

1.Full form of CA CA means charted accountent.  In today's world CA is a profession with high opportunities. in CA course their is high income profile and reputation . The main thing in CA course that attract students is that there is no reservation in CA course. This is not matter wheather you are from Science , Arts, Commere stream in 12th. also marks of 12th no matter in CA. After 12 you can directly take registration in CA course . For that you should pass your CPT / Foundation examination. Stages in CA course There are three stages in CA course . The initial stage is CPT / Foundation ( new course ) . More details are provided about it in next post. Second stage is IPCC/ Intermediate( new course) . More details are provided in next post. Final stage is CA Final . More details are provided in next post. Inspite of these stages  4 course are done . 1. orientation course : that is done after              ...

About us

welcome to CA foundation to final. we are happy to welcome to you on our site. CA foundation to final is website where all CA related information is provided . CA foundation to final provides you information about the First stage of CA that is CA foundation. 2nd stage that is IPCC ( integrated professional competence course. and the last stage CA Final. After passing IPCC every CA student do his Articleship  under a charted accountancy firm ,we also share inforamtion about the students experience during their articleship. Many of the students who pass their CA examination also share their experience and we share that experiance to you. Many of the students have belong from Poor or Middle class family and they share   their path of CA  and we share that to you and if anyone of you want to share you CA experiance of CA then you can message us on oue page  by using this link . Thank to you to Visit Our page. ...